The Marromeu National Park is located at the mouth of the Zambezi River and is currently trying to replace the 30 000 buffalo that once lived there. Part of the Zambezi Delta, the area holds a diverse array of wildlife including cheetah and wild dog. The Marromeu Complex consists of the 1500km² Marromeu Special Reserve and is surrounded by an 8 252 km² hunting concession that extends from the edge of the buffalo reserve into the adjacent Cheringoma highlands.
The area is an open grassland with many rivers and streams – which is part of the Zambezi Delta. It holds diverse array of wildlife including the African Elephant, Lichtenstein’s Hartebeest, Sable Antelope, Eland, Burchell’s Zebra, Hippopotamus, Waterbuck, and Reedbuck. Predators include Lion, Leopard, Cheetah, Wild Dog, and Spotted Hyena.
The park supports the highest density of water birds in Mozambique, with large nesting colonies of Great White and Pinkbacked Pelicans, Yellowbilled and African Openbill Storks, Glossy Ibis, and Whitebreasted Cormorants. It is also a sanctuary to 120 breeding pairs of endangered Wattled Cranes and during the extreme dry seasons the wetland plays refuge for up to 30% of their global population! Other bird species of international concern include; Grey Crowned Cranes, Saddlebill Storks, Woolynecked Storks, Goliath Herons, African Skimmers, Redwing Pratincoles, and Caspian Terns.
Furthermore Humpback and Minke Whales can be seen at the coast, along with Bottlenosed, Roughtoothed, and Humpback Dolphins. But the main attraction is the huge Cape Buffalo which was historically the largest population in Africa and that is why the park is also known as Marromeu Buffalo Reserve.