The fitness travel trend is a phenomenon that shows no signs of slowing down. Research has shown that while fewer people are using hotel gyms, they are still packing their trainers and looking for exotic fitness experiences.
One of these experiences, trail running, has become increasingly popular over the years. Some people run to lose weight, some run for the competitive edge, and some do it for their soul – or all of the above. For trail runners it’s about adventure, changing scenery and discovering new places. Trail runners are always on the look-out for interesting and beautiful locations where they can push their limits and experience new terrain.
One of the newer trails runs on the international circuit is the Madagascar Ultra Trail Run, taking place annually in July since 2015. The trail run covers 150km over 6 days, in the northern part of the island, through a remote region of Madagascar passing by rivers, waterfalls, Red Tsingy canyons, highland plateaus, local villages, rice fields and white sand beaches – a truly varied and exhilarating terrain. It’s an excellent opportunity for runners to experience the country and culture of Madagascar.
The event is focused on 3 core values of “touristic discovering, sports challenge and social-sustainable behaviour” and is mixed with international competitors and local Malagasy runners. After the day’s distance is done everyone has dinner together in the comfortable camps constructed out of palm fronds and wooden poles. These eco-friendly camps are dismantled and set up each day along the journey, leaving a minimal environmental impact. Evenings are lively events with good local food, lively music, and the types of conversations that take place when people from all over the world unite for a shared passion.
This one of a kind race takes place every July so if you’re interested, sign up and start training now. Why not combine the endurance event with a relaxing holiday by the beach? Replace running with hammock lazing and gentle snorkelling in crystal clear waters. Your tired muscles will certainly welcome the pampering and idyllic relaxation of a tropical paradise and it will absolutely be well deserved!
Let JENMAN Madagascar Safaris take care of this part with one of its amazing beach packages such as the Madagascar Island Hopping tour or the Ile aux Nattes Package.